Poker is a card game, which requires a bit of knowledge. Without it, playing might be extra hard, especially when your opponents know the rules very well. Below you can find the most common mistakes committed while playing poker – mostly when you are beginning your journey with this game.

Do not babble

Even thought it’s not strictly a poker advice, you should avoid talking too much at the table. The most experienced poker players agree, that it’s highly unrecommended to go into small talk with your opponents. Firstly, it might be a distraction for you.

Secondly, you expose yourself. If you are a beginner (and you probably are, since you’re reading this article), you can be sure, that your more experienced opponents will read you like an open book. By talking too much, you show other players, how you react, talk and behave when you are nervous and while at ease.

Before you really learn how to play poker and do not show your emotions, it is highly recommended to avoid too much talking. Also, beware that really experienced poker players might try to engage you into conversation. It’s a common technique, letting them read newcomers.

Never show your cards – unless you have to

Poker is more a psychological game than a card one. You have to learn how to read your opponents and avoid giving too much information. Do not get too excited when you could have won or if you get a really good hand. The most important thing is to keep it cool.

Even though this advice should never be written, because this is a basic knowledge, newcomers still tend to accidentally inform other players, what cards may be in their hands.

Don’t let your emotions play the cards

If you are losing or winning incredibly fast, you might play with your emotions, not your head. So called tilt is a type of play, where you play inexpicably due to uscuccesful result. Even though it’s hard when you’re loosing, try to stay calm and remember, that you need to keep your cool. The fact, that someone just won doesn’t mean he will be winning forever. Unfortunately, that also applies to you.

If you think your emotions are overtaking you, leave the table and try to calm down. Light a cigarette or take a walk – playing poker with emotions all over you isn’t a good idea and might lead to wrong decisions.

Wrong decisions determine your outcome

This advice is connected to previous point. Unfortunately, new poker players tend to get nervous or overly confident, when they win or lose. Remember, that placing a bet once you’ve got a pair in pre-flop isn’t necessarily the best decision. You don’t know what’s in other player’s hands and thus – try to be rational. It doesn’t mean to play it safe: rather, learn how to sens your opponents and decide, whether their cards are good or not.

Also, when winning, don’t raise the bid too high: the fact that you were triumphant last round doesn’t necesarilly mean, that it will happen this time. Every decision you make should be rational. When you’re starting your adventure with poker, stay calm. Even if it sounds silly, do not make high bets: first, try to learn the rules, see how things are done and learn to control your emotions during the game.

All above advices might sound obvious for someone, who plays poker for a long time. However, when you are new, emotions and excitement tend to exceed over your brain and logic. Whenever you think that happens, try to breathe slowly and count to ten. Then, remind yourself of what you’ve learned in both articles and experience. Good luck!

